Alright, kiddos, I wanted to do one last blog update before I move off to Never Never Land, and not the ranch (too soon?)
This may be a rather drunken entry, despite the fact that I don't drink. Sleep deprivation does strange things to slow the brain, that is for certain. I had all this stuff I wanted to blog about and all these witty comments, but my brain is now screaming in protest.
Remind me to blog about sexuality, I actually had a lot to say on the topic (DUN DUN DUNNNN!)
Anyway, it's been a week from Hell, but it's almost over. Despite the hellishness, it's actually been one of the single greatest weeks of my college career. I hate my job, wasn't able to get a single hour at the job that actually pays me and I don't have an ounce of good customer service left in my entire body.
Still, the week has been fantastic. I've lost sleep to homework, but also to all-nighter chats, which I absolutely adore. I made a new bestie right as I'm moving away, go figure. I'm really thankful though because what they say is true: good friends are incredibly hard to come by. (My dirty mind is overactive these days)
In news that I find hilarious, my partner has confessed a celebrity crush on Miley Cyrus. Let this fact be broadcasted throughout time and space across the vast emptiness of the internet! I managed to salvage a poster of Miley Cyrus from one of my residents and she looks 14 in the picture. I figured it will ease my partner's pain in feeling slightly like a pedophile for finding her attractive. I personally am not a fan. Except for that damn Party in the USA video. It's a blatant statement of "I'm not owned by Disney anymore," and the sex appeal is glaring, but God help me, it's a hot video. Eww, now I feel like a pedophile. Yucky...As that disgusting poster glares down at me from the wall...
In pertinent news about my life (I know I said I'd avoid this, but I'm just sa durn excited!) I'm headed out tomorrow. I'm moving on to a bigger and better ballgame. I'll spend my summer in a cardboard box, begging for money, after which I'll start my Master's. The University has very generously decided to fund me and waive my tuition and I could not be more grateful or more excited. I'll be living on $15,000 per year, which is almost double what I'm making now. Anyone who says the recession is over deserves a wallop in the face. Welcome to America, folks.
Just to end on a positive note (because there is much about which I am happy and a great deal for which I am truly thankful), I have wonderful people in my life. They inspire and save me and love me in every realm of my ridiculous, spaztic personality. Without them, there would be little of me to speak of. Thanks guys. (even though only one of you knows about my blog...)
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